There were an impressive number of entries for the regional Icons from India, announced at a gala event at The ITC Maurya, New Delhi, during the build up to the coveted Icons of Whisky Awards held in London.Present among the guests were India’s leading industrialists, politicians and society’s echelon.The Icons have been designed to celebrate the people and places behind the greatest whiskies in the world.Since 2001, Icons of Whisky have been held in Scotland, Ireland and America. From 2007, the reach has been expanded, with awards in Canada, Ireland, Japan and now India. The finalists were drawn from all over India with many nominations flooding in for the various categories.The winners represent the extraordinary enthusiasm and excellence in the business across the region that undoubtedly reflects India’s passion and growing market for good whisky.Sandeep Arora, Whisky Magazine’s man in India, said: “The debut of Icons of Whisky in India is a fitting tribute to one of the largest whisky markets in the World. The market is becoming increasingly sophisticated and value is now being added to the vast volumes. It has to be said that given the global nature of this year’s awards to make the shortlists, both regional and final, is a tremendous honour.” Evenings Winners
Ambassador of the Year 2007 Dr Vijay Mallya Whisky
Bar of India 2007 Bombay
High,Mumbai Whisky Restaurant of India 2007 The Zodiac Grill,Mumbai Whisky
Hotel of the India 2007 The Taj Mahal Palace,Mumbai and ITC Maurya’s,New Delhi
Innovator of the Year 2007 Moet Hennessy Distiller of the Year Pernod Ricard India (pvt) Ltd