ABV: 45.8%
Age: No age statement Years Old
Style: Single Malt
Country: Scotland
Region: Islands (Non Islay)
A much sweeter aroma than the standard 10 Years Old, with the peat playing a much more liberated role with less spiciness. Soft sherry with a suet/sultana pudding heaviness to the malt.
Big, rumbling peat, first crisp and hard, then much, much softer. Again the mouthwatering grape keeps the spiciness to a minimum.
Peat and cocoa combine and the sweet/dry ratio remains in perfect balance throughout. Really big malt, this time free of the peat with the vanilla topping it all off.
Wonderful whisky: a rare case where sherry cask doesn't spoil but merely offers a variation on a theme. No peat-lover should miss this one. But don't expect the usual explosiveness.
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